As said wonderfully by my son because he heard about my family from others. He said he was sorry, and I wasn't going to accept that. He has absolutely no reason to be sorry! Oh, that sweet boy.
This week my healing journey has been going well. My eye is still covered, except for when my husband uses wipes to gently get the dry blood away, or when he puts in my medicine. But while it's covered, I've been able to use a cloth ice pack on it here and there throughout the day and I've been able to open it as far as I can. My goal each day is to always see the light coming through the eye patch. Each day, as that happens, I diligently work on trying to open my eye wider and wider. Just a little bit at a time though. My eyelid is still swollen, but I am hopeful that within a couple more days the swelling will go down.
I have a card that my doctor said I must carry with me at all times, just in case. The card is pictured below, and it states that I have a gold weight in my eyelid. He says to show it when I have future MRIs (I think he knows something I don't) and I have to show it when I set off metal detectors - just in case if I actually set them off, and if I do - just in case they need proof I have a gold weight surgically implanted into my body.
Now let's take a gander back into the past, shall we? I know, I know. The trips aren't steady and consistent - we are pretty much all over the place. But I promise the book will be better!
Met with my amazing Neuro-Ophthalmologist and they are monitoring me for optic nerve disease and macular disease.
With macular disease, it is more common in those over the age of 65. But all of my complaints point to it! However, as stated by my doctor, all of my complaints are because of my TBI. Which they note.... was severe. They note that I have sixth, fourth, and third cranial nerve palsies. Which all effect the eyes! The third nerve palsy is the most worrisome by researchers because it increases the risk of aneurysms. These nerve palsies are contributed to a few factors - one being trauma to the head (12%). But I know God is with me and He is GOOD!
Next up...we shall talk more of my outpatient therapies!
Thanks for checking in :)