I know, I know. I've been away for a hot minute. Have I mentioned before that I had a thalamic stroke? If you don't know what that is or what it does to you...may I suggest 'google'? It's such a wonderful search engine! My son calls it a 'small engine'.
<This is where I slap my own forehead>
I promise not to be gone anymore. I have reminders set on my phone to write a blog post every Monday and Friday.
Yes, I know it's Saturday - but I'm making up for missing yesterday!!
Let's get right into the nitty gritty, shall we? I believe we left off with my starting of outpatient therapies. Let me just say, my therapists were all amazing!! I saw them quite regularly for about six months.
"General Assessment: This 34 year old female was evaluated by OT today secondary to Doctor referral. In May, patient was found on the floor by a customer at the hotel where she was employed. Patient has no recollection of how she fell or even when she fell Patient obtained multiple skull fracture, a CVA, DVT, and other diagnosis. Today, patient received using a cane with supervision for ambulation. Recommended that patient purchase a grab bar for her shower. She and her husband state that she has a shower chair. Patient states that she can bath, and dress self, however she sits down for these activities. Patient has decreased balance and UE MMT is 3/5. She has low activity tolerance. Patient is enrolled in college classes and very much wants to return. Patient states that she needs to be competent on the computer, able to tolerate the class schedule (she has 4 boys as well), and have good eye sight. At this time, patient tested for vision. She can determine colors, does not have diplobia, has perpheral vision, and tracks all except side to side. Saccades is slow as well. Patient did state that everything was blury, however patient able to write and read appropriately. Patient was not able to close her eyelids voluntarily. This writer was able to physically close her lids, and patient was able to maintain them closed and was able to open them. OT then had patient open after being held and voluntarily and patient was able to close 3/4 shut. Educated patient on performing this several times a day with her.Multiple assessments of cognition testing performed (association, Emergency conditions/contacts, processing and memory) with no issues noted. Patient would benefit from OT for thera act, ex, adls, NMR, manual and modalities as needed to return to her previous quality of life, care for her children, go back to school, and return to work."
The now Jess looks back at this and thinks...my goodness! You were definitely in denial. A year and a half later, I'm not back to my previous quality of life, I'm not back in school, I'm not able to work. But I absolutely do care for my children.
The following is what's to be achieved in 12 weeks from the start of rehab. It's a year and a half since rehab...mind you.
" Patient will have good activity tolerance and strength for returning to work.
Patient will have no issues with vision."
With all of my therapies, I am to start with them twice a week until they tell me something different!
I think I will give you all a little break now. This turned out to be longer than expected!