Before I move along to Sheltering Arms Institute, I must inform you all of a little thing I contracted at UVA hospital. It is by no means harmful!
Because of ONE of my blood transfusions, I contracted a little something called, "anti-k." This is something that is pretty rare. About 9% of people have it/get it.
I received this little laminated card that I MUST show all physicians. I carry it with me at all times in my wallet. I'm thinking it should just be attached to my records for ease. But this works too!
The K antigen, or the Kell antigen, is extremely helpful and important. It not only measures your potassium and electrolytes in your blood, but it also builds up antibodies to anything negative you are exposed to.
With being anti-k, I cannot receive blood that has the kell antibodies in it. That could be absolutely devastating and possibly life ending for me!
My husband 1000% knows about this and knows where to find my card in the event that I'm incapacitated and cannot retrieve it!
Goodness, as if you didn’t have enough to remember!!