Oh boy
This just gets more interesting every time someone does a progress note or an event note
This is now going into day 3 of my stay at UVA.
At this point I still have the pressure monitor in my head. I have been reintubated, which they say was difficult. I was paralyzed and my pupils were dilated but not reactive. I had my cranial surgery by Dr. Elias. They also drilled a catheter into my skull so it could drain out the skull stuff that was causing the pressure. They went ahead and gave me an arterial catheter.
And let me tell you…GOD was 100% there and let me assure you that HE is good!!
If you ever needed that moment of reassurance…here ya go!
“I speak the name 'cause it's all that I can do. In desperation, I'll seek Heaven And pray this for you
I pray for your healing. That circumstances would change
I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus name!”