Oh gosh where do I truly begin?!
Let’s start from the beginning! I was at work and I really don’t remember working or much before that. The video at work showed I was getting more coffee and suddenly I just stopped and fell. 10 minutes later a guy found me. I got all of his information later so I can properly thank him.
Anyways he found me unconscious and called the ambulance. So RMH showed up and after some scans they realized there was nothing they could do for me. So they shipped me off in Pegasus. Even though they thought it best for me to be airlifted, but it was too foggy.
Once I traveled 45 minutes to an hour I had more scans done. It showed that I had 4 skull fractures and I was having a seizure right at that moment.
The Neuro surgery team came in and my brain was so badly swelling and the pressure had no place else to go. So they went in and took my two top skulls off.
At this time my blood pressure dropped so low they had to intubate me. At this time my husband was called and he came. I don’t want to tell his story. It’ll be even longer! But you can ask him. 🙂
That’s all for tonight! Carson did ask if I remembered going to Vito’s that night for his birthday dinner. No! Was my answer. But I also wasn’t there for Eastons and Keltons. This summer sure was a challenge!
“I pray for your healing. That circumstances would change. I pray that the fear inside would flee, in Jesus’ name!”