My husband was with the team of doctors today when they had their conference together. He understands needs that are being met and continued goals. He also understands what he needs to do to further my recovery. Jason was given contact information to those who we need to contact for therapy sessions. He has gotten down the very real task of discharging with a disabled wife!
OT is always so lovely. I can completely roll ON MY OWN with supervision only. I can eat supervised, get my upper body dressed on my own with only supervision and I can groom on my own!! The only things I need help with are: 1) transferring to the shower so I can SHOWER ON MY OWN and 2) transferring to the toilet. I know.... TMI. But that's really all I need minimal assistance for! The rest, I GOT!!
In my wheelchair, PT shows that I can move on my own at a distance of 50 feet! Yes, I'm in a wheelchair and don't escape one until the day I leave!! Don't worry...I'm sent home with a walker!
And then there is rehab psychology... you know, the parts that should never exist and wish I could forget about. If the tissue is damaged for my long-term memory, how can I make it damaged for my short-term memory?
Psychology Summary Rehab Psychology: Mrs. Damico shared that discordant relations between Mr. Damico and Mrs. Damico's family (mother, father, sister) were causing heightened emotional distress for her. She would like the "negativity" to stop and for her autonomy in decision making to be more respected and appreciated. She has not had a conversation with her family about her concerns and anticipates it would not prove helpful. Processed her reactions and concerns, identifying possible reasons for her families' efforts. Problem solved and identified a plan moving forward involving a meeting with Mrs. Damico and myself with her family, and further work with Mrs. Damico to prepare for having a conversation to express her wishes and desires as she feels comfortable doing so. Continue to provide rehab psychology follow up, meeting with Mrs. Damico's and her family.
With SLP today we worked on my cognitive abilities to see if my memory was good. It is! We worked on eating breakfast which was minced and moist; and she educated myself and my husband on proper mastication and what the next step up would be and what I would need to do to get there. I only had one reflexive cough while she was there for breakfast. But overall, it went well! Since I now eat MUCH SLOWER, she had to give me extra time with my food so I could take my time with it all. I ate about half of my plate.
In my disability rating, I have met a level 8 on the Rancho scale!! Which is appropriate. I'll take it!!
Today. my husband and I were given reading materials on the Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley!! It's such a shame that I waited a few months to actually join!! This group is remarkable and seriously life changing. So, if you live in this area and you or someone you love has a brain injury...1) I would LOVE to meet you!! and 2) This group is amazing, and you should join!!
Today is the day that my team was notified that CPS wanted to interview me on an apparent open investigation. My case manager asked me multiple times if this was okay..."Jessica are you SURE?" They planned on either my doctor or rehab psychologist to be present with this interview. I told them it was okay because let's face it.... I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE!
When you sit back and read through all of this, you can't help but think...this girl has gone through something TRAUMATIC that she will have to live with for THE REST OF HER LIFE and all of these people just want to come after her and add all of this nonsense on her!!! I found out later WHO called CPS, but I will not name them. Even though they did something horrible, they don't deserve to be in my blog.
Rehab came back to see me with my mother present. This is what he observed and had to say!
Observations: Mrs. Damico was seen for follow up along with her mother who was visiting. She was drinking a milk shake and responded to questions/provided input but mostly remained quiet. Her affect became tearful in response to some of her mother's comments. She expressed a desire not to have "negativity" brought up in her presence.
Interventions: Discussed Mrs. Damico's preference for d/c disposition and her capacity for independent decision making. Validated her mother's expressed concerns and encouraged her to focus on supporting her daughter while in rehab and engage in positive and uplifting comments/conversation vs topics that Mrs. Damico have expressed are troubling for her.
Status and Progress: Mrs. Damico is actively participating in rehab therapies and making good gains. She remains distressed by the significantly challenging psychosocial issues in her life including marked discord between her parents and husband. Despite her expressed intent to return home with her husband, Mrs. Damico's family are encouraging her to return to Michigan, expressing various concerns regarding her husband and appropriateness for her to continue to live with him. In conversation with the team and in my observations, Mrs. Damico's husband has not exhibited any behavior or comments that have been disruptive, unsupportive, or deleterious in any way to her efforts in rehab or observed mood or disposition. Psychology will work with Mrs. Damico to support her coping and discuss having conversations with her family about her desires regarding conversations that occur during their visits.
All of this has been very troubling for me. As you can see, I was tearful then...I am more than tearful now. But I try so hard to not let that get to me. I resort to God. He is the one who is ultimately helping me through all of these trials. And yes, trials have been happening to me in this past YEAR! They are STILL happening. One day, you may find out about all of the trials OR maybe you won't. It depends on what God guides me to share. I don't want any of these people or what they have done to me be a lasting story in my life. I want it all to be glanced at, erased, if need be, and then forgotten about. Because I was obviously forgotten in my recovery.
So, if you are reading this and shaking your head and trying to truly grasp the HOW. Please, please, please! Be kind to your loved one going through their traumatic brain injury. Be uplifting, be supportive, be positive. Be everything they truly need to survive and thrive in life. I look back now and who knows how far along I would be in recovery if I had only positivity in my journey. Who knows...