...to move a mountain. Good thing, a little faith is all I have right now.
God when you choose to leave mountains unmovable. Give me the strength to be able to sing, 'it is well with my soul!'
These days it's a little harder just to simply get out of bed. Don't worry, when I have my kids, I force myself out of bed. I pray every morning to please let God make everything okay again. I tell my husband that we may not see justice or the rewards here on earth, but in heaven we will see all the rewards and those who have been mean to me will have to answer to God. I know I don't make people tremble in their shoes. I'm not a scary or intimidating person by any means. But they should fear God in a mighty way. I haven't done anything like they have done, and I still fear the Lord. I want to do what is right by Him ALL the time.
It is well, with my soul.
The chaplain came and visited me today. She tells me she loves seeing my husband and I in her services in the chapel. I share what I have been through, and she prays with me and over me. Just her presence alone makes me feel better. My husband and I also attended worship service today. We have been blessed in so many ways. He tells me so many times that he was so scared he was going to lose me, and he is so glad I am with him today.
I speak the name no grave could ever hold.
He is braver.
He is stronger.
He's the God of possible.
When I walk through deep waters, I know you will be with me.
When I'm standing in the fire, I will not be overcome.