As I sit here right now, even though I'm home, discharge seriously feels like Christmas!! It's like staying up all night and waking your siblings and parents up the next morning and running out to the living room to find a bike with a big bow and your name on it!
But then when you REALLY learn what Christmas is all about; it's magical. The birth of Christ happened on this day.
Even though I couldn't walk or talk, and Sheltering Arms wanted my trach downsized. They still wanted me!! They still thought I was a good fit for their inpatient rehabilitation center!! They were following my progress and was giving my team some input such as, canceling my OT as they were going to take charge of it.
Jesus has seriously been saving me this entire time. When they told my husband I wouldn't last, Jesus made sure I did. When there have been so many things wrong happening with me, Jesus has been making it right.
I am suffering from Rhonchi at the moment. Which is where secretions end up in my bronchial airways. I also have conjunctivitis. It's these little things that are going to hold me up. I swear...
At this time my husband stayed present in my room while PT came in. I nodded my head in agreement when she asked if I was able to sit up in the Stryker chair. I was able to follow one step commands as she was there. We washed my face, and she helped assist me a little bit. I grabbed the washcloth and she put her hand over mine and moved my elbow in to help me wash my face. When she squeezed the lotion in my hands, I simply moved my hands to rub the lotion in and then I put my hands in my lap to show her that I was done.
Briefly I do require rest breaks so I can keep performing the tasks. I am nonverbal all session. I can weakly grasp onto items that she puts in my hand. I can sit up without back support for one minute. I can wiggle my toes and raise my arms up.
It's the little things that we take for granted most in life. Just recently I was asked about what I was trying to do back at this time and those are things I can do without thinking now. It just humbles you when those things are taken away from you and you have to relearn how to do them.