I thought I would start this one off with a wonderful picture of Ryan Reynolds.
Where should I start this time that won't get me into trouble? *gasp* I'm sure my husband asked this question A LOT! I know I am just reading it all!
I do not remember this period of time with my hospital stay nor do I remember much of anything before. Every time I ask the question, "But WHY?!," I am reminded at the top of the page that I had suffered a traumatic brain injury!!
This period of time my white blood cell count is low, and I haven't had a fever. So that alone is worth celebrating! They took me out of my bed and placed me in the Stryker chair so they can wheel me about and see what the outside world looks like! They gave me some puffs of air via the trach and when I was done it was noted that I coughed up a lot of yellow-ish sputum. They think it came from the cuff though.
When I got back to my room, they placed me back on the vents for about 10 minutes and I seemed to tolerate it well. They did some exercises with me but kept it light. I could only actually sit up straight in bed for five seconds. They also worked with me on lifting my head. It's noted that I barely nodded, interacted, I gave a thumbs up or down, and I was able to wiggle my toes.
With speech today she kept it light. But mainly because I fell asleep during it!! My family told her that I was trying to make sounds and mimic words when I wasn't in her care. She seemed pretty happy about that at least.
My labs came back, and they were a little on the high side. MSSA is still very much present, and I have a severe pneumonia infection. My Creatine and Glucose levels were higher than normal. During this time, what it means, is that my kidneys are having difficulty functioning and a have a high content of blood sugar.
My blood work also shows high levels of Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, and Platelets. High Hemoglobin basically means I have a higher-than-normal network of red blood cells. Which as we know they are important for transporting oxygen throughout the body. To put it to you nicely, a high Hematocrit means I am not getting enough oxygen in my body, which puts my RBCs in high function mode. It also may mean I am suffering from dehydration and/or that I have a heart disease. High Platelets mean I have thrombocytosis. This is a rare disorder, and it could take years to treat it. I may even have it for the rest of my life, but at this point, who knows! There is currently less that 200,000 cases of this reported, which makes it rare. It leaves a person feeling weak, dizzy, and less interactive.
The 6th of June is when they first decided on Sheltering Arms for my inpatient rehab! The only things that are in the way of me leaving, are the vents and the fact that I still don't have the PEG placement! They said it may happened by the 15th, so we shall see!!
"When he told you were troubled
You'll forever be alone
When he told you you should run away
You'll never find a home
When he told you you were dirty
And you should be ashamed
When he told you you could be the one
That grace could never change"
Let me tell you, I am NOT alone, I DO have a home, I am NOT ashamed, and grace HAS changed me. I have Jesus by my side, and I follow Him, and Gods word and they lead me peacefully.