...TO ME!
Day four, I believe! The notes are still quite long on my end. But I have faith those will decrease! Remember, I don't have memory for my first two weeks here!
I chuckled a little when I read this quick line... the patient complained of dull/aching pain in her abdomen. She received medication to assist with the pain. The patient was grateful."
See! Even in a hospital setting I am still grateful!!
In Speech Therapy today, I scored a 22 out of 30 in the O-Log. Which is an Orientation Log for rehabilitation patients. I was asked questions like my name, what city I'm in, the name of the hospital, what day of the week it is, what time is it, etc... My scoring today for the Pittsburgh Rehabilitation Participation Score was a 3 out of 6! So, my score was fair...The fairness reports on their scale as patient participated in most or all of the exercises but did not show maximal effort or complete the exercises or needed much encouragement to complete the exercises.
My doctor came to visit me, and we spoke about my needs today, I stated that I had interrupted sleep often. Especially when the sleep logs show I sleep about 5 hours total each night! I fall asleep at midnight and then wake up at around 5AM or 6AM. So, he is putting me on trazodone and so hopefully that works out! I also stated that in the middle of the night I am uncomfortable as I feel as though I need to pee, but I can't move. So, he ordered to have me catheter, so I am more comfortable. His notes also state: ""#Functional decline related to severe TBI 5/2/2022 with right frontal parietal occipital skull fracture and subarachnoid hemorrhage/cerebral edema status post bifrontal hemicraniectomy #CVA/infarcted thalami, pons, cerebellum Inpatient Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Program Including: - PT, OT - SLP - Rehab psychology."
They have put me on a "FULL CODE" status, which means, that if something life threatening were to happen to me, then they would need to pull out all stops to try and save my life. He gave me about 28+ days on inpatient rehabilitation. So, I guess for right now, this is home!
As of now, they have goals for all therapy. I need full assistance to do everything with two to three helpers assisting me. I am in intense rehabilitation care/therapy five days a week with each therapy session lasting one hour. The team in charge of my care meets once a week to go over my progress and new goals.
Today I also met with the psychiatrist. They have called him in to talk to me weekly because my PHQ-2 score was a 6. Which meant...severe depression. His talking points were long. So I will copy and paste!
"Mrs. Damico was resting in her bed. She appeared fatigued and attempted to stay awake during attempted evaluation, responding to questions with head nods and hand motions. Records indicate that she often attempts to mouth words, but she was too tired for this today. Rehabilitation psychology was consulted due to her score of 6 on the PHQ-2. She continues to endorse the same questions, as she struggles with down mood, anhedonia, and limited motivation all of which are sequelae of the TBI. She denied periods of tearfulness. She also denied suicidal ideation, plan, or intent, as her husband and children are protective factors. She related a desire to get better to be home with husband and four sons. Given Mrs. Damico's communication deficits, a full evaluation was not possible. However, rehabilitation psychology will continue to monitor her and provide supportive services during her stay. Goals will initially focus on orientation exercises and psychoeducation regarding the recovery process as her insight and awareness of limitations improves. Family support will also be provided as needed during the patient's stay."
Today with OT was a bit hilarious. I mean, now it's hilarious. So, they got me into my wheelchair, and I did heart conditioning exercises. I was in good spirits throughout the exercise, but my left upper extremities fatigued easily. They had me do block puzzles and said that my double vision that was blurry was a little troubling. They also had me move blocks from the left to the right side and vice versa. I only moved 6 blocks...the rest of the blocks I threw across the room and laughed. So yes, I was in good spirits! They also noted that I had a decreased awareness of how serious my condition was. This shows me that continuously my brain had been healing and continues to heal! Positivity is key!
I met with nutrition today and they noted I couldn't speak and only gave a thumbs up/thumbs down to answer questions and talk to them. I told them I used to weigh about 118 pounds and I felt I gained weight. They noted I gained about 10 pounds in 30 days. They also spoke to my husband.
"Spoke w pt's spouse, Jason, for more information. He reported that pt had issues at OSH with diarrhea and constipation and getting the right balance. Jason reported that pt was small, around 110-120# in weight. He reported that pt looks like she's carrying more weight in her belly. Discussed pt's TF regimen as her sole source nutrition and that this will likely change pending work with SLP."
With PT today, Jason was present for my walking trials. They had me in a full harness, called a Vector, and I was able to take 5 steps! Still, I don't remember this...but it's noted, and Jason was present and saw my first-time walking. I can't wait to see when I actually remember this! My PT, Carolyn, calls me Jess in her notes. I definitely love that!
So less than a week and my progress is long. I love reading the notes and seeing just how serious this all was, and still is, for me!
I was there with you when this picture was taken. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I love you ❤️