Our lovely Damico Farms is growing amazingly!! Our garden has been prayed over and continues to be prayed over daily. We have chicks that have just hatched a couple of weeks ago and we had some that hatched a month or two ago!!
The hope, of course, is that these babies are hens, so we are able to give our community MORE eggs from the Dames! If you go under the "it is well" series tab, you will see what we have for sale on the farm! Local folks only though, we haven't quite mastered the shipping process!
Our Damico Dames are laying lovely eggs. We even have some Easter Eggers that lay blue and green eggs! Every time we go into the coop our Roosters greet us with their call and we always have at least ONE hen in the box. I collect up the eggs, make sure they have plenty of food, and let them enjoy the rest of their night!
Just like with everything else, we pray over the growth and peace of our garden. It brings me great joy! In just a couple of years we will have grapes growing. We have four vines currently planted. Our trees are starting to bud some apples and peaches too! Currently, in this season, we have strawberries growing. Our youngest son has told us that we need to grab him every time we go to the garden so he can pick the berries and see what else may be sprouting! Our strawberries are beautiful and juicy! The kids absolutely LOVE them. They are also up for grabs to the community! Right now, we have some blooms on our tomato plants, which were gifted to us by one of the men at our church. So, we are excited for them to begin sprouting too!